Methodology And Curriculum
Abiding to our ideology, we believe in Stress-Free Learning for kids. Our focus is very simple:
We want let children learn at their own pace through simple trial and error so as to help them gain a positive image of themselves and enable them to cope with any kind of uncertainties.
Right from the time a child is born till the time one joins a school, he/she has had a variety of experiences at home, neighborhood and ones environment. He/She has already developed in a number of ways and we build upon and channelize this learning that has taken place at home and in one’s immediate environment,” provide them with a rich variety of challenging play activities and other experiences in a stimulating environment.

With this aim we have designed a curriculum that promotes their personal, social and emotional development and ensures that they feel included, secure and valued. Our syllabus is planned with the purpose to allow children to follow their interests and develop at their own pace. Inspired by Multiple Intelligence& Inquiry-based learning, it is hence a fusion of ‘The Maria Montessori Method’ which is a child centered approach for teaching kids, ‘The Reggio Emilia Method’ which makes learning fun and enjoyable and ‘The Playway Method’ where the method of teaching is informal and natural to suit the child’s interests.