Why Lil’Cipur
“lil’ Cipur” is the second home for kids. Our ideologies are very simple
- Learning without burden: We do not want the kids to carry a big shoulder bag every day to school. We want them to build on their natural curiosity, desire to experiment and learn while play
- Learning in clean, hygienic and safe environment: We are committed towards this. We want parents to feel that their child is at home, away from home.
- Learning without boundaries: Learning doesn’t start or stop in a class. Learning is a continuous process and will keep moving to different places to learn, be it the garden or the auditorium or the class.
- Learning which is planned, purposeful and flexible: There can be a thousand things taught to the kids, of which relevant are only a few. We focus on those few. We want kids to follow their own interests and develop at their own pace.

- Access to the center is only through one main gate properly manned by a guard
- Properly mended open play area where children will play and learn in fresh air and open sunlight
- We have first aid kit, water purifier for clean drinking water, fire extinguishers, power backup
- Tie up with pediatrician and nearest hospital to manage any unforeseen health or injury emergencies
- To avoid accidents, we arrange for periodic maintenance of all appropriate appliances and furniture
- All children are accompanied by a teacher/maids at all times
- Furniture and toys that we use are made of material that is conducive for children to minimize the chances of accidents
- Periodic teachers training is conducted to handle kids during emergency evacuation situations
- During Field trips, we ensure a supervisor-student ratio of 2:10 to ensure 100% safety and supervision
We are a team of committed individuals working with open minds and are ready to change. We are very flexible and are ready to invite and implement suggestions towards the betterment of our school. Our staff is very well informed and properly trained on their respective works.
We handpick our teachers/facilitators, cause in their hands lie the future of children. The entire teaching staff has undergone and received a proper certification in preschool training and have a hands-on experience in the field.
There are periodic refreshers and workshops organized by the school management for the teachers on newer teaching methodologies and child care for change and betterment

- Finest quality books, toys, furniture are used to facilitate the kids development
- Enough and more toilets for kids with proper cleanliness and timely inspections during the day to ensure hygiene.
- Potty Seats are there at all schools to facilitate toilet training.
- We shall be having a screen and projector for the kids to aid in their learning process.
- Day care facility is available for children above 4 years. Timings for the same are from 10am to 6.30 pm.
- Sleep is an integral part of child’s development. In line with that there are nap rooms where we provide naptime to children for 1-2 hours (who avail the daycare facility).
Change is the only constant and as time changes, the curriculum, facilities, training methodology and many more things need an up-gradation. Our special cell focusses on this! The management keeps attending seminars, meeting international bodies to upgrade and meet world standards while keeping ourselves abreast with our culture. One such idea is “Imprints”. We plan to come up with “Imprints”, the kids club very soon for the after school activities for the kids. You as parents and guardians are requested to provide any ideas/suggestions so that we can improve ourselves. There is a lot to explore … hence keep looking at this space.